Tag: Pandemic

Authorities brace for catastrophic outbreak: Bird flu summit heralds the next deadly pandemic

As global health leaders converge, the world holds its breath for the looming avian influenza disaster

U.S. government’s shocking plan: Americans to be locked in pre-fabricated prison complexes

New evidence reveals secret construction of large-scale prisons across all 50 States; speculation rises about use for climate…

Pfizer CEO asserts COVID-19 pandemic was merely a “rehearsal” for a future global health crisis

In a stark warning, Bourla highlights the need for increased preparedness and investment in healthcare infrastructure to combat…

Fauci under fire: Marathon grilling reveals tensions over pandemic response

Fauci faced many questions about COVID-19's origins, policies, and science in a fourteen-hour testimony before a House Select…

Shackled To Silence: Unveiling the untold stories of the lockdown

Breaking the silence: Shepard Ambellas' riveting documentary exposes lockdown's hidden horrors

The strategic isolation of General Terrence O’Shaughnessy at Cheyenne Mountain during COVID-19

Operational seclusion: General O'Shaughnessy's tactical retreat to Cheyenne Mountain amidst the pandemic