Tag: Martial Law

‘Poop soup’ and dengue fever threaten American lives amid devastating floods; martial law next?

Martial law could be enforced as fecal contamination and mosquito-borne viruses surge in swaths of the U.S. devastated…

The CIA’s hidden worry: How a drastic pole shift could change everything

Discover the alarming predictions in the CIA's "Adam and Eve Story" document and Its connections to Trump's Stafford…

The North American storm: Why the Canadian government fears a U.S. civil war

As political tensions escalate south of the border, Canada prepares for the unthinkable – a neighboring nation in…

The strategic isolation of General Terrence O’Shaughnessy at Cheyenne Mountain during COVID-19

Operational seclusion: General O'Shaughnessy's tactical retreat to Cheyenne Mountain amidst the pandemic