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An imposter in the White House? Investigative findings suggest new Joe Biden is not the original

Facial recognition software reveals with above 99% probability that the current president is an imposter,…

Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao claims FBI targeting as part of broader right-wing conspiracy

Oakland mayor claims federal raid is politically motivated; alleges political persecution amidst federal investigation

Kim Jong-Un and Vladimir Putin’s diplomatic stroll in park marks new chapter in geopolitics

The meeting on the idyllic grounds of a Russian state residence symbolized the strengthening of…

Record-setting bowling ball-sized hail bombards Texas, leaving path of obliteration

In a terrifying turn of events, massive hailstones the size of bowling balls wreak havoc…

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Kenya in flames: Police open fire on protesters amid parliament inferno

Enough is enough: Protestors rage against Eco Levi and tax hikes as government buildings burn to the ground

Tragedy at Hajj: Over 1,000 pilgrims die in Saudi Arabia amid record-breaking heatwave

Oven-like conditions in Mecca cause tragic loss of life during Hajj pilgrimage, with over 1,000 deaths reported amidst unbearable heat

American forces shadow Russian submarine close to East Coast

Heightened military monitoring follows the movement of a significant Russian naval presence towards the south

Ukrainian drone swarms devastate four Russian refineries in unprecedented attack

Four Russian refineries hit in largest drone strike since war's onset, escalating tensions

Vietnam hit by major internet disruption due to undersea cable failures

Internet catastrophe looms as Vietnam grapples with multiple undersea cable failures

U.S. authorities arrest 8 men linked to ISIS terror network

Federal agents have arrested eight individuals suspected of supporting ISIS, raising concerns about potential domestic security threats and sleeper cells

The canal clash: How Mexico plans to undercut Panama with its own ambitious project

A strategic shift in maritime trade: Mexico's bold move to challenge the Panama Canal's shipping dominance

Julian Assange’s extradition hearing creating controversy and global attention

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange faces U.S. extradition proceedings amid controversial charges of espionage and conspiracy to hack government computers