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An imposter in the White House? Investigative findings suggest new Joe Biden is not the original

Facial recognition software reveals with above 99% probability that the current president is an imposter,…

Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao claims FBI targeting as part of broader right-wing conspiracy

Oakland mayor claims federal raid is politically motivated; alleges political persecution amidst federal investigation

Kim Jong-Un and Vladimir Putin’s diplomatic stroll in park marks new chapter in geopolitics

The meeting on the idyllic grounds of a Russian state residence symbolized the strengthening of…

Record-setting bowling ball-sized hail bombards Texas, leaving path of obliteration

In a terrifying turn of events, massive hailstones the size of bowling balls wreak havoc…

Latest Wellness

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Nepal’s hallucinogenic ‘mad honey’: An enigmatic elixir

Discover the mysteries and effects of this rare and potent natural gooey substance that some are willing to die for

Say goodbye to nerve pain: 6 natural ways to reclaim comfort

Embrace natural remedies to alleviate and overcome nerve pain and drastically improve your quality of life

Illuminate your health: The surprising benefits of sunning your butthole

An ancient practice revived: Discover how exposing your nether regions to the sun can boost energy, improve mood, and enhance…

The hair-raising truth: How your supermarket bread contains human hair

From barber shop floors to your dinner plate: The grotesque journey of swept-up hair clippings processed into Niacin, making their…

The Ultimate survival secret: Why coconut oil is a must-have for your bugout bag

Discover the versatility of coconut oil and how it can be your lifesaver in emergencies

Unlock your health potential: The surprising benefits of taking a high-quality probiotic

Discover how the right probiotic can transform your digestive health, boost immunity, and enhance overall wellness

Truffle temptations: The golden delicacies of the culinary world

Discover why chefs and connoisseurs spend tens of thousands on these rare and delicate edible gems

Embrace the zen: Top yoga poses to transform your 2024

Discover the ultimate yoga poses poised to shape your wellness journey in 2024, for a harmonious balance of body and…