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An imposter in the White House? Investigative findings suggest new Joe Biden is not the original

Facial recognition software reveals with above 99% probability that the current president is an imposter,…

Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao claims FBI targeting as part of broader right-wing conspiracy

Oakland mayor claims federal raid is politically motivated; alleges political persecution amidst federal investigation

Kim Jong-Un and Vladimir Putin’s diplomatic stroll in park marks new chapter in geopolitics

The meeting on the idyllic grounds of a Russian state residence symbolized the strengthening of…

Record-setting bowling ball-sized hail bombards Texas, leaving path of obliteration

In a terrifying turn of events, massive hailstones the size of bowling balls wreak havoc…

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Asteroid 2024 MK to make a heart-stopping close pass with Earth: Did NASA get the distance right?

The celestial body will skim past our planet in a dramatic flyby, raising questions about NASA's precision in predicting its…

Pfizer CEO asserts COVID-19 pandemic was merely a “rehearsal” for a future global health crisis

In a stark warning, Bourla highlights the need for increased preparedness and investment in healthcare infrastructure to combat next pandemic

Mount Rainier: The sleeping giant scientists are watching closely

The Pacific Northwest is currently under the threat of a catastrophic volcanic event, causing significant concern among scientists

Five potentially catastrophic asteroids are on a collision course with Earth between 2024 and 2028

Prepare for impact: These colossal space rocks are hurtling towards us at alarming speeds, threatening catastrophic consequences

MKULTRA: Unveiling the dark secrets of America’s most sinister mind control program

From Cold War paranoia to modern-day speculation, uncovering the dark history and lasting legacy of covert government experiments

Women show greater heart rate fluctuations than men during solar storms, study reveals

New research suggests that solar storms may affect cardiovascular health differently for women and men, raising questions about gender-specific responses…

Aircraft carrier-sized asteroid will whiz by Earth, at a safe distance: NASA

The 2024 CR9 asteroid, comparable in size to major landmarks, will pass by Earth on June 11, 2024, without posing…

Hidden passageways: Florida city unearths mysterious network of secret tunnels

Subterranean discovery sparks theories of ancient starforts and Tartarian ruins, unraveling clues to a forgotten civilization