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An imposter in the White House? Investigative findings suggest new Joe Biden is not the original

Facial recognition software reveals with above 99% probability that the current president is an imposter,…

Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao claims FBI targeting as part of broader right-wing conspiracy

Oakland mayor claims federal raid is politically motivated; alleges political persecution amidst federal investigation

Kim Jong-Un and Vladimir Putin’s diplomatic stroll in park marks new chapter in geopolitics

The meeting on the idyllic grounds of a Russian state residence symbolized the strengthening of…

Record-setting bowling ball-sized hail bombards Texas, leaving path of obliteration

In a terrifying turn of events, massive hailstones the size of bowling balls wreak havoc…

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Economic disaster: Biden Administration policies devastate U.S. economy

Under Biden Administration policies, bankruptcies, inflation, and financial struggles are on the rise, and there is no end in sight

Home prices soar to record high, causing market slowdown

Escalating costs push prospective home buyers out, leading to market stagnation

National debt to surpass $50 trillion by 2034, spell doom for struggling Americans

Experts warn of economic collapse as debt Continues to skyrocket, leaving citizens to face unprecedented financial hardship

Booming horizons: Seattle’s construction markets set for dynamic growth through 2025

With robust demand, innovative projects, and significant investments, Seattle's commercial and residential construction sectors are poised for substantial expansion and…

The 10 worst US cities to live in 2024: High crime and soaring costs

As crime rates climb and living expenses skyrocket, these cities are becoming increasingly unlivable for residents seeking happiness

Federal judge orders Alex Jones to liquidate assets to compensate Sandy Hook families

The polarizing broadcaster must liquidate his assets to pay millions in damages to the families of Sandy Hook victims

Unionization efforts lead to unforeseen costs, forcing Philly coffee shops to close

Rising unionization costs lead to sudden closures of three popular Philly coffee shops--what's next?

Juggalo chaos: Hackers steal thousands from Gathering of the Juggalos ticketbuyers

Cybercriminals have hijacked the payment system for the Gathering of the Juggalos, siphoning off thousands of dollars from unsuspecting fans.…